Nevada Supported Decision Making Agreement

Nevada Supported Decision Making Agreement: A Step by Step Guide

The Nevada Supported Decision Making Agreement is a legal document that allows an individual to choose a trusted person to help them make decisions on their behalf. This can be a useful tool for individuals with disabilities who may have difficulty making decisions or communicating their wishes. This article will provide a step by step guide on how to create a Nevada Supported Decision Making Agreement.

Step 1: Identify the individual with a disability

The first step in creating a Nevada Supported Decision Making Agreement is to identify the individual with a disability who needs assistance with decision making. This can be any person over the age of 18 who has a physical or mental disability that makes it difficult for them to make decisions on their own.

Step 2: Choose a supporter

The next step is to choose a trusted supporter who will assist the individual with decision making. This person can be a family member, friend, or professional caregiver. It is important to choose someone who knows the individual well and whom they trust.

Step 3: Draft the agreement

The next step is to draft the Nevada Supported Decision Making Agreement. This document should include the following:

– The name and address of the individual with a disability

– The name and address of the supporter

– A statement that the supporter is authorized to assist the individual with decision making

– A list of the types of decisions that the supporter is authorized to help with (such as medical, financial, or legal decisions)

– A statement that the supporter must make decisions based on the wishes and preferences of the individual with a disability

– A statement that the supporter must keep the individual with a disability informed about decisions that are made on their behalf

– A statement that the agreement can be revoked at any time by the individual with a disability

– Signatures of the individual with a disability, the supporter, and any witnesses

Step 4: Review and sign the agreement

Once the agreement is drafted, it should be reviewed by an attorney to ensure that it meets all legal requirements. Once the agreement is finalized, all parties should sign the document in the presence of witnesses. It is recommended that at least two witnesses sign the agreement to ensure that it is legally valid.

Step 5: Store the agreement in a safe place

Once the Nevada Supported Decision Making Agreement is signed, it should be stored in a safe place where it can be easily accessed when needed. The individual with a disability and the supporter should each keep a copy of the agreement, and a copy should also be provided to any healthcare providers or other professionals who may be involved in decision making.

In conclusion, the Nevada Supported Decision Making Agreement is a valuable tool for individuals with disabilities who need assistance with decision making. By following these steps, individuals can create a legally valid agreement that allows them to choose a trusted supporter to help with decision making. It is important to review and update the agreement periodically to ensure that it reflects the individual`s current wishes and preferences.