Air Canada Pilot Agreement

Air Canada Pilot Agreement: What You Need to Know

Recently, Air Canada and the Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA) announced that they had reached a new tentative collective agreement. This agreement will affect over 3,500 pilots who fly for Air Canada, Air Canada Rouge, and Air Canada Express. It`s important to understand what this agreement entails and how it will affect the airline industry.

What`s in the Agreement?

The new agreement is expected to last for ten years, from September 2021 to September 2031. It includes a number of changes, including wage increases for pilots, improvements to benefits, and changes to work rules.

One of the most significant changes is a new scope clause. This clause sets limits on the number of regional jets that Air Canada Express can operate. This is important because the company has been expanding its regional operations in recent years. The new clause will ensure that more of this flying is done by Air Canada`s mainline pilots instead of being outsourced to regional carriers.

The agreement also includes a commitment to work on pilot fatigue. The joint fatigue risk management system will be enhanced, and pilots will get more rest between flights. This is an important issue in the airline industry, as fatigue can affect safety.

How Will This Agreement Affect Air Canada and the Industry?

This agreement is good news for Air Canada, as it will provide stability and predictability for the next decade. The wage increases for pilots will help to retain and attract pilots, which is important given the current pilot shortage. The scope clause is also good news for Air Canada Express pilots, as it limits outsourcing and ensures that more flying is done by mainline pilots.

The agreement is also good news for the airline industry as a whole. It shows that labor and management can work together to reach agreements that benefit both sides. This is important given the current challenges facing the industry, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the ongoing pilot shortage.

Final Thoughts

The new Air Canada pilot agreement is an important development for the airline industry. It shows that labor and management can work together to reach agreements that benefit both sides. The wage increases, improved benefits, and changes to work rules will provide stability and predictability for both pilots and the company. The new scope clause is also a positive development for Air Canada Express pilots. Overall, this agreement is good news for Air Canada and the industry as a whole.